CMMC Consulting Services for DoD Contractors

In 2021, the Department of Defense (DoD) released an updated Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification framework (CMMC 2.0), which affects the security requirements for any company, prime, or subcontractor who works with the DoD. Our CMMC consulting services take the guesswork out of meeting the DoD’s new (and existing) cybersecurity requirements and will ensure you meet the current DFARS NIST 800-171 requirements and are ready for CMMC compliance. 

If you’re like most small to medium-sized defense contractors, you’re probably wondering how to meet these new cybersecurity requirements and how CMMC consulting services work. This can be a difficult, time-consuming, and overwhelming process, especially if you don’t have the right tools, expertise, or deep pockets.

In this guide, you’ll learn about the upcoming CMMC compliance requirements, how to prepare for CMMC certification assessments, and how Cuick Trac can save you time, money, and resources in the process. 

Key takeaways:

  • Every organization starts the CMMC compliance process from a different point, our CMMC consulting services will be tailored to your unique situation and needs.
  • The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) 2.0 is a new umbrella standard that includes requirements from DFARS 252.204-7012, NIST SP 800-171, the Federal Acquisition Requirements (FAR) document 52.204-21 and beyond; it is focused on protecting Federal Contract Information (FCI) and Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).
  • Self-assessments will only be accepted for a subset of contracts limited to FCI, and annual affirmation from a senior company official will be required that the company is meeting all requirements. For CUI contracts, third-party CMMC assessments by an authorized auditing entity (C3PAO) will be required before bidding on or subcontracting through a prime contract.
  • The DoD started conducting voluntary joint-surveillance contracts for CMMC certification assessments in the Fall of 2022, however, according to the latest updates, the first DoD contracts that will include CMMC-level requirements are expected by mid-2023.
  • Clients love the Cuick Trac CUI Enclave and CMMC consulting services because we offer a solution that fits many budgets and scopes, while often saving our clients up to $100,000 in implementation costs.

Avoid a Failed Assessement with CMMC Consulting Services

No matter where your organization starts from in maturity level, we will ensure you are ready for CMMC compliance and an independent C3PAO assessment via our CMMC consulting services.

Whether your organization is not currently compliant with current DFARS requirements, doesn’t have a NIST SP 800-171 compliance program in place, resulting SPRS score, and required documentation (SSP & POA&M), or wants to avoid a costly pitfall or delay in preparing for future compliance, our CMMC consultants can help.

At Cuick Trac, our comprehensive suite of CMMC consulting services provides a variety of pathways to help you prepare for CMMC 2.0 compliance — from conducting a CMMC gap analysis, NIST SP 800-171 implementation and security assessment, to documenting and updating your SSP & POA&M, and strategizing the heavy lifting on implementation and creating documentation. 

We also provide CMMC consulting audits for organizations across many industries, including manufacturers, engineering firms, software development companies, service providers, and other organizations that handle controlled unclassified information (CUI).

Our tailored CMMC consulting services are designed to prepare you for compliance in three steps:

Step 1: CMMC Gap Analysis / CMMC Gap Assessment

A CMMC Gap Analysis / CMMC Gap Assessment is the first step in becoming compliant with the CMMC framework and achieving the required CMMC Level for your organization.

During the CMMC Gap Analysis, we will evaluate where your organization currently stands concerning compliance and what is needed to bridge any gaps. The analysis will determine the differences between your current status and CMMC requirements, including an assessment of the following:

  • Your existing technology infrastructure (including hardware, software, network configuration, and information security) mapped to NIST 800-171 and other security controls outlined in your desired level of CMMC 2.0
  • Your existing policies and procedures, including access control, physical security, incident response, disaster recovery plans, etc.
  • Areas where your organization might be vulnerable to cyber-attacks
  • Scoping assessments of your user and data flows

You will receive a report collating the findings of our analysis against the CMMC Level requirements, which will clarify your organization’s current standing and detail areas that need attention before a certification audit

We will also use the proper forms of objective evidence to ensure everything is in place, mature, and can be proven to an assessor.

And most importantly, if we find issues we will advise you on how to fix them. 

Step 2: Updating Critical CMMC Documentation (SSP & POA&M)

Two essential documents the DoD requires you to have to prove that you’re moving forward toward CMMC readiness are a System Security Plan (SSP) and a Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M). 

These documents are the foundation of Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification and must be completed before any contracts are awarded, and will ensure you are prepared for any potential audits.

Based on the findings of your CMMC Gap Analysis, we will help you plug any holes in your system. This includes implementing appropriate controls, adhering to any other missing requirements, and developing and writing the extensive required documentation. 

Under CMMC 2.0, all POA&M items must be closed before your CMMC Certification Assessment by a C3PAO. Those items are not to be closed before the assessment, but well beforehand, to show these requirements have been implemented and managed and will stay that way after certification. 

Step 3: CMMC Implementation Help

While some contractors may try to become CMMC compliant by building a solution internally or patching together a “Frankenstein solution” using a combination of tools, APIs, systems, and workflows, this can be a time-consuming, costly, and resource-intensive process with landmines throughout.

Our team has spent years engineering Cuick Trac — a privately hosted, secure virtual enclave designed to help DoD contractors receive, send, process and store Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) — and understands the nuance and challenges standing in the way between where you are now and where you want to be on the road to compliance.

We use our experience to prepare you for a CMMC audit and gather & organize evidence for a smooth assessment by a C3PAO accredited by the Cyber AB (formerly known as the CMMC-AB).

Our team of experienced CMMC consultants will advise how to implement the controls outlined in the Plan-of-Action & Milestones (POA&M). 

Depending on the current state of your network systems and cyber hygiene, our recommendations could include adding and configuring an essential SIEM tool to deploying an advanced CUI enclave.

Win More Government Contracts with CMMC Consulting Services

Struggling to understand where your organization fits in? Want to be at the front of the line when CMMC assessments, audits, and contracts roll out? Businesses that are proactive in meeting CMMC standards will have an advantage in bidding on government contracts.

The CMMC consultants at Cuick Trac will ensure you meet current DFARS and NIST 800-171 requirements and are ready to meet CMMC cybersecurity standards without breaking the bank.

Want a detailed report outlining your current state and any needed improvements? Would having your own personal, dedicated cybersecurity expert to guide you through the certification process save you time and headaches?

Join the hundreds of small to medium-sized defense contractors throughout the nation who trust our unique, customizable CMMC consulting services to help them meet their cybersecurity requirements quickly, easily, and affordably. 

Let’s talk about your compliance needs! Call 612-428-3008 or contact us online to get started.

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